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Pest Control
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Pure Neem Oil Gallons
Price: $75.05
Shipping: $0.00
Part Number: NE-Gal
Case Price:
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Pricing: Single Case (4)
Gallon: $ 75.05 $ 73.65 ea

(One Gallon Makes 128 Gallons of Spray)


Neem oil is pressed from the seed of the neem tree (Azadiracta indica
Juss.). This tree, native to eastern India and Burma, is known by several
names including "village pharmacy," "cornucopia," "wonder tree," and "the
veritable gold mine." Neem leaves, stems, seeds and oil have been used
for medicinal purposes and pest control in India for more than 4,000
years. In fact, its Sanskrit name, arishta, means "reliever of sickness."

Product Safety:

Because neem products are used for human consumption and medication,
exposure to neem in the process of treating plants with neem oil poses no
threat to humans or other higher animals. Moreover, neem is not harmful
to beneficial insects, affecting only those insects feeding on plants
treated with neem. Since most predator insects do not also feed on
plants, they are not harmed by the presence of neem. Neem biodegrades in
a matter of weeks when exposed to sunlight or in soil.

In EPA testing, establishment of an LD-50 proved impossible as
azadirachtin, one of numerous organic compounds present in neem oil, was
asymptomatic at all levels tested. Accordingly, there are no reentry or
residual restrictions associated with the use of neem oil.

Horticultural Benefits:

Dyna-Gro Nutrition Solutions(r) is in the plant nutrition business and
does not make any claims for expertise in herbal medicine. Accordingly,
only information on the horticultural benefits of neem oil is presented

Numerous te
nematacide, and as an insect antifeedant and repellant. An insect
antifeedant is a substance that discourages insect feeding but does not
directly kill the insect. Azadirachtin is a potent insect antifeedant
and disrupts the molting cycle of the ingesting insect leading to its
death. As an antifeedant, neem oil is so effective that in tests desert
locusts, voracious herbivores, will starve to death before eating plants
treated with neem oil.

Insects rapidly evolve, developing resistance to conventional pesticides
which directly and nonselectively kill them. As a result, existing
chemical insecticides are becoming less effective for the control of the
pests. Moreover, widespread use of chemical nsecticides indiscriminately
kills both harmful and beneficial insects creating the need to use more
pesticides! Because neem extracts disrupt the growth of insects in a
variety of ways, insects are not likely to develop resistance to neem
insecticides. Naturally occurring compounds in neem have been shown to
be an effective antifeedant and growth regulator for more than 200
species of insect pests and yet are surprisingly nontoxic to birds,
mammals and beneficial predators like ladybugs, spiders, bees & wasps.

In addition to the above-mentioned effects, neem inhibits normal insect
mating, oviposition and larval development as well as reducing female
fertility. These effects reduce the risk of harm to beneficial insects,
birds and other predators, which prey on harmful insects. Neem's
antifeedant properties even effect snails. Neem extracts inhibit the
action of denitrifying bacteria in the ground which reduce nitrate,
ammonia and urea to molecular nitrogen (N2) and
nitrous oxide, both volatile gasses. In the absence of controls, the
action of these bacteria result in not only the loss of an important
macronutrient, nitrogen, from the soil but also in the release of ozone
depleting, greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

Neem extracts have shown incredible success in not only combating fungal
problems on leaves but also many forms of root rot. Neem is effective in
both contact and systemic roles. Accordingly, for optimum benefits it
should be sprayed on all sides of foliage and watered into
the root zone.

Implementation of environmentally friendly horticultural practices is
essential to the preservation of the quality of life on Earth.
Ecologically sound practices which rely less upon synthetic chemical
pesticides and more upon integrated pest management (IPM) practices
including the use of naturally occurring pest controls like neem oil are
imperative to maintain soil productivity and reduce ancillary poisoning
of people and animals.

Other Benefits:

For more extensive discussions on neem see the website for the Neem
Foundation at http://www.neemfoundation.orq or the Neem Association at
http://hometown.aol.com/neemassoc. Other websites can be found which cite
scientific research and anecdotal information on the benefits of neem for
both human and plant health.

Now Available:

Dyna-Gro Nutrition Solutions now has pure, pressed neem oil available in
sizes for the home user and for the commercial nurseryman for control of
insect pests without the use of man-made pesticides.
SouthWest Plantscape Products
265 Durley Ave
Camarillo, Ca 93010
Telephone: (800) 333-7977 (SWPP)
Fax: (805) 988-4975
E-Mail: sales@SouthWestPlantscape.com