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Mini Snippers
Price: $5.95
Shipping: $0.00
Part Number: MINI-SNP
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Single Units $ 5.95

SNIPPERS are scissors designed to collapse so that they can safely be carried in your
pocket. This versatile high-quality tool imported from Germany, manufactured from stainless
steel and high impact plastic and is designed to last many years.

The blades are 2" long and can be sharpened when necessary.

Try these once, and you will immediately want to exchange your old scissors for these
versatile new SNIPPERS.
SouthWest Plantscape Products
265 Durley Ave
Camarillo, Ca 93010
Telephone: (800) 333-7977 (SWPP)
Fax: (805) 988-4975
E-Mail: sales@SouthWestPlantscape.com