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Introduction - Help & FAQ
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General Information & F A Q
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Introduction & Help

Welcome our digital catalog. We apologize for any spelling or other errors that you might find,
and even though we have checked every entry, we may have missed some mistakes.

With this digital version of our catalog you may browse, search, view and print out anything
that you see on the screen. You may also use the built in order form, choose the items you
wish to order and then print it out or fax it out .We will try and explain how to take full
advantage of this digital catalog, and how to many of its features work.


From the opening screen and the three viewing screens you can "search" for anything in the
catalog or specific category and is a quick method for finding what you may be looking for.
When you are on the Table of Contents screen (the opening screen) and use the "Search"
command the whole catalog is searched. Choosing the "Search" command while in a specific
category restricts the search to text contained only within that specific category.

Just type in the product, feature, service or word that describes the product you are looking
for and you will be directed to that area of the catalog where you will find that product, or word
that you are searching for.


After opening the catalog, and choosing a category that you wish to view, there are three
separate ways you can view each category, and you can choose among these views by
clicking on the "view" tab on the bottom of the screen.

THUMBNAIL GALLERY VIEW - Click on an Item Thumbnail and you will see a full
text description for that item with a picture. Click on the image or on the appropriate button
on the bottom of the screen and you will see the image alone. Click a button or anywhere on
the image and the full text will reappear.

CATALOG VIEW - Click on the item (picture or text) and you will see a full text
description for that item along with the picture. Click the appropriate button or anywhere on
the page and you can shift to the image alone. Click the button or the image and return to the
text. Enter an amount in the ordering column and it will; be transferred
to the Order Form.

PRICE LIST VIEW - Click on the item to see a full text description. Enter an
amount in the ordering column and it will be transferred to the Order Form.


From almost all areas of the Catalog choosing the Print command button will print the
currently selected item whether it be text, a picture, or a whole category. You have many
options when it comes to printing.


Choosing the Copy command button will copy the item, picture, or text to your Windows
Clipboard to be used as you desire.


From the Catalog View and Price List View you can choose to have each item within that
category set up to be presented separately on the screen in a slide show fashion. We do not
anticipate this feature being of much importance to most clients. It is more for Trade Shows
or Kiosk presentations.


From both the Catalog View and Price View Screens you may select an item to add to the
Order Form. After you have finished picking the items that you wish to order, you may go to
the Order Form Screen and fill in the information that is called for. You will notice that we
have already entered some defaults to choose from in the Payment and Ship Via fields. We
have very clearly priced each size in the description of the product, however in some
cases where ou are ordering in case lots, you will not be able to transfer these items to the
Order Form with the correct prices. If you choose to use the Order Form and the prices are
wrong, just ignore the prices, and be assured that we will charge you the correct amount.


To remove this Catalog/Screen Saver from your computer simply go to the CONFIG button at
the bottom of the Catalog Main Screen (the first screen). Select the catalog, and click on the
"Uninstall" button to remove the catalog permanently from your hard drive.


Although you probably will not want to use this function, you do have to option of using the
images from this catalog as a Windows Screen Saver. If you choose to install the screen
saver function, you then will have to go into the Windows Control Settings / Display /
Screen Savers and choose the Minicat as the Screen Saver of choice. We do not anticipate
this function being of much interest to you.


You can receive a new or updated catalog in any of three ways.

1. We can mail you one on a CD.

2. We can send you the computer file containing the catalog attached to an e-mail message
to your e-mail address. You would then execute the attached file and your new and/or
updated catalog would be installed automatically on your hard disk of your computer.

3. You may visit our WEB SITE at : www.southwestplantscape.com
and download the catalog from our home page.

We welcome your comments and suggestions on how we might make our presentation of
this catalog better or easier for you to use. Please e-mail or drop us a note.

SouthWest Plantscape Products
265 Durley Ave
Camarillo, Ca 93010
Telephone: (800) 333-7977 (SWPP)
Fax: (805) 988-4975
E-Mail: sales@SouthWestPlantscape.com