Civil Code California Only
A special notice to interiorscapers in California
Do you know that you can get a signed proposal and contract and complete an installation
and the client may be able legally to return the plants, refuse to pay for anything, and in
some cases even keep everything that you have installed without owing you a dime? You can
lose thousands of dollars and and have no legal recourse.
If you are aware of this, then you already know about California Civil Code 1689.5-1689.11. If
this is news to you, please read on.
Civil Code 1689.5-1689.11 governs the sale, rental, or lease of any goods or services in
excess of $25.00 that are installed or performed in any residence, when the proposal or
contract is made "at other than appropriate trade premises," in other words, not at your office.
Under this code, also known by the title "Home Solicitation Contract or Offer," you must
include two very specific sentences in your proposal or contract In addition, two forms must
be supplied, entitled "Notice of Cancellation" which must be worded exactly as outlined in the
code. If this is not done correctly, the buyer can legally even months later refuse everything
that you have installed, or keep everything and pay nothing if the material is not removed
within a certain number of days.
The code has been tested in the courts, and in fact one large interiorscaper lost $10,000
because they were not aware that this code directly applied to them. (To add insult to injury,
the interiorscaper was brought into the job by the architect, a third party.)
So protect your company and yourself. Learn what you must do to abide by the code. Do not
take on a residential account without understanding what you need to supply to the client
over and above your standard contract.
SouthWest Plantscape Products is offering to our California customers the following package
designed to help you cope with this code. Included in the package are:
1. A copy of the actual code;
2. An easy to understand, simple outline of what to do to protect yourself under the code;
3. The exact wording of the clause that must be included in your existing proposal/contract;
4. Two camera-ready copies of the "Notice of Cancellation," which follow the exact wording
prescribed by the code, and which contain your company name pre-printed in the style and
type size required by the code. You may photocopy these to supply to your client.
You can obtain all this for $10.00 (includes tax).
Call, mail, fax, or email your order with the following information and we will send you
everything you need to protect your company from the California Civil Code.
Company Name:
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip
Owner/Principal's Name:
Return to SouthWest Plantscape Products, 6135 N. Rose Ave, Oxnard, CA 93036, or call
(800) 333-7977 or fax (805) 988-4975 or email to sales@SouthWestPlantscape.com.
SouthWest Plantscape Products
265 Durley Ave
Camarillo, Ca 93010